Lilac Bouquet
A place for me to share my life, my photos, and my Etsy shop.
Lilac Bouquet
Wandering farther up the hill, pushing the matted leaves aside with my foot, I came upon what is probably my very most favorite wildflower, the Jack-in-the-Pulpit. I've never seen one that was not absolutely perfect, and this one was no exception. These are a native perennial herb usually found in moist woods. Here in Tennessee, they bloom in April and last only a week or two.
From time to time, I encounter clumps of tiny white flowers which I have named Fairy Flowers because of their delicate appearance. Their actual name is Wood Anenome and they grow in colonies from a root system that creeps just below the ground.
In the 28 years that I have lived here, I have never tired of exploring the woods around me. Each new season brings new discoveries and makes me feel blessed to live out in the country.
Thanx for walking with me... :)